Green Ventures Limited IPO Result Day
Green Ventures Limited issued 31,25,000 unit shares from 8th Chaitra and closed on 11th Chaitra, 2078. 8,75,000 shares will be allocated for the individual public. Check your result if you have applied for the Green ventures Limited IPO. Laxmi capital is the issue manager for the Green Ventures Limited IPO.
Green Ventures Limited IPO Result Day
How to check the result of green ventures limited IPO
1. ipo result cdsc com np
You can check your result by visiting the website from CDCS and that is:
2. Mero Share IPO Result
Another regular way to check the IPO result is from the website or the mobile app of MeroShare and that is:
3. Laxmi Capital IPO Result Page
As Laxmi capital is the issue manager for the IPO of Green Ventures Limited, you can also check the result from the website of Laxmi capital.