Check Upakar Laghubitta IPO Result
24,31,170 applicants have applied for a Upakar Laghubitta IPO with total of 2,75,65,230 units. Upakar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited has opened its IPO to general public. Upakar Laghubitta issued 2,66,250 IPO shares IPO to the general public. Nepal SBI Merchant Banking Limited is the issue manager for the proposed IPO issue. SEBON has approved the application of Upakar Laghubitta regarding the IPO application.
Upakar Laghubitta BIttiya Sanstha Limited IPO Information:
- Total Number Of IPO Shares: 2,66,250 IPO shares IPO
- Shares Allotted For Employees: 3,281 shares
- Shares Allotted For Mutual Funds: 11,813 shares
- Shares Allotted For General Public: 2,21,156 shares
Upakar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited is registered as a ‘D’ class Financial Institution licensed by Nepal Rastra Bank.
Authorized capital: 80,000,000
Issued capital: 65,625,000
Current paid-up capital: 42,000,000
The IPO will raise a total of Rs. 2,66,25,000 in paid-up capital.
How To Check Upakar Laghubitta IPO Result
Well, After the result is published by the issue manager ( Nepal SBI Merchant Banking Limited), you can check your luck from the following website.
1. Check Upakar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited IPO Result From Meroshare Website. i.e
Visit the website or mobile application for Meroshare and check the result of Upakar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited IPO.
2. Check Upakar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited IPO Result From
It is one of the easy ways to check IPO results in Nepal.
3. Check Upakar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited IPO Result From Nepali SBI Merchant Banking Limited Website
Nepal SBI Merchant Banking Limited is the issue manager of Upakar laghubitta IPO so you can also check the result from the website of Nepal SBI Merchant Banking Limited